Gift of Happiness Foundation
Genuinely Providing for Poor People Living on Bangkok Garbage Dump and Slum Community
On the morning of Saturday 24/02/18, all those "Gifts of Happiness" were handed directly to the poor people who survive by raking through the garbage on one of Bangkok's largest open landfill trash dumps. And in the afternoon the poor people living in a Shantytown Community housing 200 people, not far from the Go Happiness Centre, received their large portion of very much needed goods as well!
Click through this slide show to see how providing to the poor really works!
This project was part funded by individual donors, volunteers attending and GoHF Founder, Eddie Haworth.
Great thanks go to all who supported this Aid Giving Project.
6 day project: 19 to 24/02/18. (Prep work at Go Happiness Centre: 19 to 23/02/18) Volunteers: Eddie Haworth, Founder/Director at Gift of Happiness Foundation, Mrs. Gale Bailey MBE, Mr & Mrs Martin and Ailsa Kneath, Mr. Nicol Burr, Mr. Terry Sherwood, Karnjana Somkhuntod (Karn) & Max Peters. Paid staff (sponsored by Monroe consulting Group): Khun Wanpen Sotiya (AKA Bob) Project sponsors: Monroe Consulting Group - Clown Eckie, St Stephens International School, Bangkok, Harrow International School, Bangkok, Planet of the Crepes USA/Thailand, Administration & guides: Karnjana Somkhuntod, Mr Eddie Haworth. Goods and services given: New and used essential aid like brand new underwear, toys, Bedding, towelling, toiletries, clothing for children and adults, educational supplies, medical supplies and household goods. Total value of goods and services given; ฿-162,000.00. ($.5,159.70-USD) exchange rate as of 24/02/18. | Poor people served with goods and services, by GoHF 19/02/18: Preparation day. 20/02/18: Visit to Garbage Dump Local Authority offices & Preparation day. 21/02/18: Preparation day. 22/02/18: Preparation and vehicle maintenance day. 23/02/18: Preparation and vehicle maintenance day. 24/02/18: All day aid giving event Total number of beneficiaries: approximately 250 families living on a large garbage dump and one of Bangkok's shantytowns. |
You can easily make a big difference to the lives of the people we serve!

Giving Goods or Money?
No matter how small or large your gift, you can be sure it will be very much appreciated by those who receive it!
Thank you.