Gift of Happiness Foundation Child Protection Policy.
Policy statement/aims as defined by Gift of Happiness Foundation (GOHF) Founder as a British National and the board of Thai trustees.
Policy statement/aims as defined by Gift of Happiness Foundation (GOHF) Founder as a British National and the board of Thai trustees.
- A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 (British Government - The Children Act 1989).
- GOHF has the duty for safeguarding all children involved in our activities from harm.
- All children have a right to protection, and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable are always taken into account.
- GOHF will ensure the safety and protection of all children participating in GOHF events/activities through adherence to the child protection guidelines as advised by the NSPCC-UK.
- The aim of the GOHF Child Protection Policy is to promote good practice.
- It is essential that we have effective recruitment and selection procedures for staff/volunteers to help screen out and discourage those who are not suitable from joining our organisation.
- All staff /volunteers working with children within Gift of Happiness Foundation must complete and sign the regulated application form.
- All staff /volunteers working with children within Gift of Happiness Foundation must provide a current CRB check certificate from their homeland or the Royal Thailand Police Department. Also acceptable is verifiable evidence of their good standing and ‘Criminal Record Self-Declaration’ (no record).
- GOHF is dedicated to providing children and young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in contact or in the care of Gift of Happiness Foundation staff /volunteers.
- GOHF encourage all staff /volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues and report such issues to the GOHF board of trustees.
Gift of Happiness Foundation - A proud member of the League of Foundations of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej
© Author Gift of Happiness Foundation 2013