Videos About the Founder and the Charity, Gift of Happiness Foundation.
Starting with a powerful TV Documentary about the Founder, Eddie Haworth FRSA.
Two short TV documentaris about Gift of Happiness Foundation - Produced by Co-Jo Productions - [email protected]
One of the places that we regularly visit - this time on world-wide TV. Produced by Al Jazeera -
North Thailand flood relief project. July/August 2013...Produced by Mr. Simon Balmer - [email protected]
Memorial show and service at Watsamakan temple near Ayutthaya, Thailand.
Gift of Happiness gave children a truck load of goodies, a show and memorial service following the untimely death of the GOHF Directors dear friend, 'Jason O'Brien'.
Produced by Mr. Simon Balmer - [email protected]
A short film about giving help to victims of a terrible school bus crash. Produced by Mr. Simon Balmer - [email protected]
More about Gift of Happiness Foundation and the Founders other job "Clown Eckie".
This little video speaks for itself...