The Sukhothai Hotel Bangkok team made their quarterly donation in support of
needy children in Thailand!

The Gift of Happiness Foundation is a charity founded by Mr. Edward Haworth FRSA, under the Royal patronage of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand that's dedicated to helping poor children in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.
Serving individuals and families living in the poorest communities in Thailand, Gift of Happiness Foundation (GoHF) provides positive sustainable development through educational comedy show productions "Edutainment" provided by world-class professionals and trainee entertainers.
The charity also delivers many educational materials, clothing, toys, medical supplies, toiletries and bedding to an average 2,000 needy people in Thailand, every month of the year.
please ask any questions here... [email protected]
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."
Please consider sending all your unwanted Christmas gifts to help the children and families we serve every month of every year since 2005...