Free Food for People Who Live Under a Bridge in Bangkok!
The Gift of Happiness Foundation is delighted to have been able to give enough food to last around six weeks to 135 families who live under fly-overs and alongside some of the City's smelly and polluted Canals/Klongs in one of Bangkok's most deprived areas.
The Gift of Happiness Foundation is constantly supporting deprived people in Bangkok with Clothing, Educational Supplies, Toys, Bedding, Toiletries etc... Plus, Free "Edutainment" Comedy shows given freely by Professional Entertainers from London, Germany, France, the USA and other parts of the world.

The Gift of Happiness Foundation always does it's "Due Diligence" research before giving aid "haphazardly" or "spontaneously" to slum dwellers in Bangkok or any other places served by the Charity in Thailand.
Charity leader, Eddie Haworth insists on checking out the backgrounds and history of the people served by GoHF to make sure they really do need support.
That's why organisations like the BCTFN (who have paid for today's food-aid) prefer to put their trust in the professionals before giving money for any kind of aid. This is especially during times of great need when every well-meaning man, women, child and their dogs are collecting money to feed the needy... then often giving the wrong kind of aid to people who may not actually need it? |
The Gift of Happiness Foundation simply could not continue giving unconditional aid to the may thousands of needy people in Thailand without the amazing support of MONROE CONSULTING GROUP. |
Eddie urges people who want to give food or anything else to the needy, to check out who they are planning to give those well-intended goods too?
There are many truly deserving families who do not happen to be living in one of the well known and already well catered for, yet apparently deprived areas of Bangkok?
"Please email us before you (may) waste your time and money by giving to the wrong people"
[email protected]
Transfer any amount to the GoHF Charity Account. Via ATM or Android or Cheque to: Account Name: Gift of Happiness Foundation. Cheques crossed account only, payable to; Gift of Happiness Foundation) Address: Kasikorn Bank PLC. BIG-C Rama 4, Bangkok. 10110. Account No: 7702101594. Account Type: Savings. Sort Code: 0004. Outside Thailand: Swift Code: KASITHBK. Please send us a copy of your payment slip to: [email protected] |