The poor 'Garbage Picker' families were evacuated for more than a week while the fires were brought under control. Many of the children and others living nearby were temporarily troubled with breathing difficulties caused by smoke inhalation during the period of the fire. They were eventually able to return to their shacks on the dump where they have been busy rebuilding their lives and 'homes' without much help from outside their 'Low cast' community.
The water was given by Mr. Kwanchai Paphatphong of 'Inter-Media Consultant Co., Ltd.'
Delivered to Go-Happiness by Mr. Kapmhol Tanthana, Bangkok.
Volunteers on this one day project were Mr. Amarin Nissasoka, (translator).
Mr Simon Balmer (photographer) and Mr. Eddie Haworth (Director).
The gift of fresh new drinking water was very much appreciated by the whole community.
The water will last them a couple of weeks and help them recover from the effects of the fire that raged for many days during the already hot season leading up-to Thailand's annual Songkran water festival.
We plan to revisit the 'Garbage Pickers on dump'.
We could not leave them without promising to continue helping as much as possible now that we have discovered the dreadful conditions they are living in before and especially since the big fire broke out.
Just as soon as we have gathered enough food and useful goods like rice, high protein tinned fish, more water, clothing, toys, basic hygiene/toiletries and medical equipment to help them survive their hard life on the burned-out dump. We will return and give them all we can, including one of our fantastic 'Gift of Happiness Buffoonery Shows' to help bring a little joy and simple happiness into the lives of these poor people.
See how you can make a difference by giving used goods and whatever else you can afford.
Thank you.
More: [email protected]