The village is called Naung Bo Den. A remote and difficult to reach jungle community only accessible by foot, 4x4 trucks or off road motorcycles. The village is home to ethnic Karen people. Go-Happiness have been serving them since 2005 and we understand the name of the village will stay the same in the new place which is further into the jungle from where they were before.
We are looking to build four separate toilets with hand basins and four cold water shower heads. Water will be provided by four rain-butts and one 1,000 litre header/storage tank (Industry standard - Polyethylene-Hexene-Copolymer). Sewage will be provided by a 1,600 litre low maintenance septic tank containing microorganisms that help decompose waste (Industry standard - 816-2538). The construction materials and basic squat toilets, hand basins and shower amenities will be purchased locally and the villagers themselves will build the structures.