Women's group Supporting Bangkok Charity
The event is raising awareness, goods and funding for new uniforms for the hundreds of children served by Gift of Happiness Foundation.
The Director of GOHF (Eddie Haworth) will be the only man in attendance to give a short presentation and collect all the goodies from this great new support group.
Link to -- WP&E - Women Professionals & Entrepreneurs Thailand
Regular Wednesday collection of donations in Bangkok.
Gift of Happiness Foundation Director, Eddie Haworth tries to collect most Wednesdays from donors who may be moving away or just having a good old clear out. This week we also collected a very full truck load of goodies for the kids from three companies and one family who are happy to give all sorts of goods and money to help our effective little charity in Bangkok.
We managed to squeeze everything into our 'Happy Truck' again this week and now it's all ready for sorting in our little Charity Shop/Warehouse, then giving to the kids on our next aid giving project.
Bangkok Charity providing new uniforms for needy kids
R.I.P. Robin Williams
R.I.P. Lauren Bacall