This school in Samut Somgkram is situated on the coast near the salt flats off the road to the popular tourist destination of Hua Hin. Unlike the seaside resort town, this is a very poor fishing community and many of the children are cared for by older siblings or grandparents, while the (Often single parents) are working long hard, low paid days in the local fishing industry.
They are very needy children and we aim to spend more time and effort providing as much as possible for them to help ease their way through school as they grow-up. We hope they will gain some degree of security knowing that they have our support when they need essential equipment, food and clothing. We believe that this additional security will make it easier for them to study and eventually escape the poverty trap through education.
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Thank you - Edward Haworth. Founder/Director - Gift of Happiness Foundation
A non profit organisation under the Royal patronage of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Dedicated to helping poor children in Bangkok and throughout Thailand
Registered Charity in the Kingdom of Thailand
Registration number: Kor Tor 1914 -- VAT: 3-0337-6259-4. Contact Us