You did so much to make people happy and inspired so many to follow your example.
RIP and Thank You Sir!
This Happiness Project is dedicated to the memory of Nelson Mandela.
Monday 09th to Saturday 14th December 2013
Gift of Happiness Foundation Aid and Happiness project in Sangkhlaburi, North Thailand.
Project Overview:
This five day trip will include visits to Kwai River Christian Hospital and four migrant schools within 50 kilometers of Sangkhlaburi. All the people we visit are living in very poor or desperately poor situations and volunteers assisting on this project must be prepared to experience some sights that may be uncomfortable. We have learned through dealing with the Migrant communities and refugee camps that nothing ever goes strictly according to plan, but usually ends-up OK at the end of the day. As usual, we will be using the GOHF Director’s own truck to transport donations and some volunteers on this trip. We will spend the first couple of hours of day one loading the truck with gifts of educational equipment, bedding, sheets and used clothing, plus show equipment for the Clown shows to be given at each location. Then we will drive the eight hour journey to Sangkhlaburi and book into a cheap guest house where we will spend five nights before check-out and return to Bangkok on Thursday 21st December.
Itinerary (These dates, locations and times may be subject to change)
Monday 09/12/13:
08-30am. Volunteers should make their own way to the Gift of Happiness shop at Sukhumvit 77 (On Nut) Soi 36, about half a kilometre from the main road on the left side. More details here. We will hold a short meeting to iron-out any questions from volunteers in attendance. Then load the vehicles and leave by about 08.00am. Volunteers may be issued with Gift of Happiness Foundation Polo shirts to be worn (Not compulsory) when photos are taken at each location.
6-00. pm. Arrive at a cheap Guest House to freshen-up and gather at the reception area around ready to hand over more than 100 agricultural hand tools to an agricultural collective who will redistribute the tools to individual small holders and training centres.
Tuesday 10/12/13: We will leave the Guest House and go to the Kwai River Christian Hospital where our Director will receive treatment for a leg wound.
Wednesday 11/12/13:
This day will be spent in recovery and nursing provided by volunteers.
Thursday 12/12/13:
Start of the school visits;
All are Thai government schools and have been chosen due to their isolated location or high number of drop outs. There are around 900 children at these schools. We will visit the office of the One Sky Foundation in Sangkhlaburi where we will meet our friend and guide for the day, Mr. Andy Lillicrap. Then we will visit the first school called Ban Huay Gop School. We will provide a Clown Eckie show and some goods for the children. Volunteers may wish to club together for ice-creams for the children after the show. We will visit the Parai Noog school which isolated and very close to the Thai/Burma border. We will provide a Clown Eckie show and some goods for the children. Volunteers may wish to club together for ice-creams for the children after the show.
4-30pm. We go back to the Guest House for freshening-up and gathering at the reception area around, ready to go for dinner.
Friday 13/12/13: We will visit the Jedi Sam Ong which also isolated and very close to the Thai/Burma border. We will provide a Clown Eckie show and some goods for the children. Volunteers may wish to club together for ice-creams for the children after the show. We will visit the Songalia school where we will give two Clown Eckie shows and some goods for the children. Volunteers may wish to club together for ice-creams for the children after the show.
4-30pm. We go back to the Guest House for freshening-up and gathering at the reception area around, ready to go for dinner.
Saturday 14/12/13: We will check-out, pay the Guest House...before topping-up with fuel and heading back to Bangkok. There will be a stop at a unique mountainside fresh food, flowers & plants market. Then at least one more stop for fuel coffee before arriving back in Bangkok by early evening. All volunteers can be dropped-off at a Sky Train Station on Sukhumvit Road, or another central location in Bangkok.
What to bring:
Mobile phone & Charger. Each volunteer should have their mobile phone fully charged and open for inter-communication throughout the project. “We have nearly lost some people on shopping expeditions in the past”. There is a free Wi-Fi connection at the Guest House. So you may bring your laptop and stay in contact with the outside world while relaxing at the Guest House.
If you have any special needs for food - bring it with you. In Sangkhlaburi there are a few food outlets with a variety of local and Western dishes available. There are also 7-Eleven’s, Mama (instant noodles) stands and other refreshment outlets dotted around the remote town of Sangkhlaburi.
Take care of yourself.
Bring a hat put on sunscreen and drink lots of water to keep hydrated when we are visiting each location. You may wish to consider bringing a small medical kit and long sleeve tops & trousers just in-case you are troubled with insect/mosquito bites. Although it’s no worse than anywhere in Bangkok.
The Guest House is 900-THB per night including breakfast and is booked for five nights per person. You pay for your own food and drinks throughout the trip. Please also pay your room fee all at the same time and when the Director is checking out of the Guest House.
Money required to pay.
Each volunteer helper joining us should donate at least 5,000.THB directly to the project treasurer or by bank transfer to our foundation account. This money is to help cover costs incurred during collection of donations in the weeks leading-up to this project and costs incurred during the project itself.
Gift of Happiness Foundation is totally committed to protecting vulnerable people from any activities that could result in harm or abuse inflicted by anyone working with the Gift of Happiness Foundation.
Requirements, guidelines, terms and rules for volunteers attending Gift of Happiness Foundation field trips and projects:
We require that all volunteers assisting as part-time or full-time field assistants, entertainers, drivers, photographers, teachers and other workers, must fulfill all relevant requirements and agree to the terms of the agreements stated here: Guidelines-Terms-Rules.
Fuel needed for our truck to deliver the goods. "Please help by giving whatever you can afford to make a difference today". |