First of all.
The concept of charitable donations to help the needy and poor in society is as old as civilization. However, with the passage of time, groups of socially inclined people formed organizations meant for helping people, rather than earning profit. Non-profit organizations, as these are called, do not distribute profits to its members, but use the profit to pursue social issues. They need money to function as well as to provide means, facilities, and at times, even infrastructure, to pursue their goals.
The concept of charitable donations to help the needy and poor in society is as old as civilization. However, with the passage of time, groups of socially inclined people formed organizations meant for helping people, rather than earning profit. Non-profit organizations, as these are called, do not distribute profits to its members, but use the profit to pursue social issues. They need money to function as well as to provide means, facilities, and at times, even infrastructure, to pursue their goals.
Important decision to donate.
When you consider making a donation to people and organizations that you trust. You will want to be sure that you’re hard earned cash will be used in an honest and open way. We have nothing to hide as a properly registered charity. READ MORE
When you consider making a donation to people and organizations that you trust. You will want to be sure that you’re hard earned cash will be used in an honest and open way. We have nothing to hide as a properly registered charity. READ MORE
We receive tons of clothing, toys, educational equipment, medical supplies, small household goods etc, all year round and we are delighted to have all these wonderful donations to pass-onto the poor people in Thailand.
We are very grateful for the small donations of cash that come from various Clubs, Groups, International schools and fund raising events etc. But we always need more money to make sure we have enough to help us continue supporting the many thousands of people we serve every year in Thailand.
Thinking of donating money to the Gift of Happiness Foundation?
We've all heard about people giving money and assets to the local animal shelter, art gallery or church group. There are also an immense amount of other worthy causes to support all over the world. Therefore, many people put-off donating until the Celebrity TV appeals are on our TV screens following a worldwide catastrophe. Then it’s easy to send your money off to one of the massive NGO’s and hope that it’s used in the right place to actually help the people affected by that disaster? We are caring for thousands of people who are living through some kind of disaster every day of their lives simply because they are very poor. Rest assured - We make sure that every penny you give is only used to help those people. |
Maybe now is the time to give and to help these people?

Help these children and mothers to stay happy!
You can be sure...
We will use your donations for the sole purpose of helping innocent and often desperate human beings to enjoy some unique experiences and benefit from receiving the donated goods that we bring them.
Our gifts of laughter and fun...
will encourage children to develop self confidence through having such fun. This is known to help lead people into a happier and healthier life for many years to come.
"And don't forget. We always give them loads of useful goodies!"
With your help...
We can continue offering tons of happiness and essential goods all year round in Bangkok and many of the more remote parts of Thailand.
We will use your donations for the sole purpose of helping innocent and often desperate human beings to enjoy some unique experiences and benefit from receiving the donated goods that we bring them.
Our gifts of laughter and fun...
will encourage children to develop self confidence through having such fun. This is known to help lead people into a happier and healthier life for many years to come.
"And don't forget. We always give them loads of useful goodies!"
With your help...
We can continue offering tons of happiness and essential goods all year round in Bangkok and many of the more remote parts of Thailand.
You can easily help...We're not talking huge amounts!
Giving just a small amount can help us continue doing the important job of providing so much happiness and essential goods to so many needy people in Thailand. Please give as much as you can afford and whenever you can afford it. Or make your contribution on a regular basis so we can plan ahead knowing that you are supporting us.